Showing posts with label TRANSMISSION OF LYME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRANSMISSION OF LYME. Show all posts

Monday, June 14, 2010


Eur J Epidemiol. 1996 Feb;12(1):9-11.
Unusual features in the epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis.
Angelov L.                                                               
Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

In this study two cases of Lyme borreliosis are presented. First, the author describes how he contracted Lyme borreliosis 24 hours after he visited an endemic area. The second case described is that of a woman who developed Lyme borreliosis symptoms, when intestinal content of an infected tick came into contact with her conjunctiva. In both cases the diagnosis is based on clinical picture and positive serological tests. The first case shows the probability of contracting Lyme borreliosis when the duration of the tick's attachment to the skin is less than 24 hours. The second case, described demonstrates transmission of B. burgdorferi by contact.

PMID: 8817171 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

For more information on all aspects of Lyme disease please stop by my book store and view the two pages of books on this subject

Friday, February 12, 2010


Is anyone doing real research in this area? In order to stem the tide of  the lyme disease/chronic illness tsunami, don't we first need to know the different ways it can spread through the population? AIDS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf War Illness. Lyme Disease and its tickborne coifections....all seem to have emerged around the same time period. How are they connected? Is there a common cause? How many of the so-called autoimmune diseases involve mycoplasmas, lyme spirochetes, toxins of brucellosis...etc? What kind of overlap is there?

Much research is being conducted on imaging studies, tests for lyme...and treatments. While this can be a good thing, we can see that profit often plays a role in determining what research is conducted. I am not aware of any extensive research being conducted to determine whether people are acquiring Lyme disease through blood transfusions, sexual transmission, maternal transmission ,transmission through the food supply, causal transmission or transmission by other vectors besides deer ticks.

In trying to analyze this conundrum, a couple of the conclusions I come to are.....1. Money is made on test kit patents,pharmaceutical treatments, testing equipment, and charities for new diseases.....not on preventing disease. 2. If Lyme disease were to be prevented to some degree by knowing how it is passed through the population, this would cut back on the demand for accurate testing (profit) and it would cut down on doctor visits(profit). It would also decrease the need for symptomatic treatments (profit) because there would be less sick people. Its no secret that our medical system is set up in this manner.

So...back to the question as to why there is no research being done in this area and why this subject actually appears to be avoided , downplayed and even rejected, as anything we need to be concerned with. Members of The Infectious Disease society of America (IDSA) is one of the groups which FALSELY states there is no evidence of transmission of lyme disease from person to person. Is it all just about money....or does political control factor into this also? A sick dependant population is easier to manipulate than a healthy independant population. The push for more government control in the form of socialized medicine is right to this very point.


Monday, July 13, 2009


The Infectious Disease Society Of America tells United States citizens that Lyme disease can not become chronic. This organization states adamantly that if Lyme disease symptoms persist after the 2 to 3 week antibiotic treatment then if after the 21st day of antibiotics.... you still have the same symptoms, you now do not have an active infection but either have an autoimmune like syndrome or you never had Lyme to begin with. This is a false statement and there is scientific proof and clinical cases which show that Lyme can be a chronic relapsing infection.Millions of lives are being destroyed due to this false information being put forth by the IDSA.

An IDSA spokesman also stated that there has been no proof of Lyme disease transmission from mother to child in utero. The must see movie Under Our Skin exposes this statement as a did a Connecticut Hearing back in 2004. Read the Hearing testimony below of one mother who miscarried several times and the fetus was found to be infected with the bacteria which causes Lyme disease.

Why is there no serious research being conducted to determine how often this fetal transmission of Lyme disease is occurring. Why is there no mainstream discussion or research into the likely possibility of sexual transmission, transmission through the breast milk and our national blood supply? The Lyme disease spirochete is a cousin to Syhpilis which does transmit in the above manner.
Here is a link to an excellent website which shows the studies that prove Lyme can be a chronic infection

2004 Connecticut Lyme Disease Hearing

And why don't we begin with Elise
Brady-Moe please?

MS. ELISE BRADY-MOE: My name is Elise Brady-Moe. I have chronic Lyme Disease. Three years ago, I was misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis by my primary care physician because I had migrating joint pain. I never saw the tick and I did not have a bull's eye rash. Luckily, as my own health advocate, I did more research and I obtained a second opinion. Two and a half years ago, I was given a clinical diagnosis of Lyme Disease from a doctor who understands tick-borne diseases and who uses a lab that is proficient in identifying the antibodies created by the Lyme bacteria.

I was treated with seven months of oral antibiotics before I decided it was safe to try and conceive a second child. We had intentionally postponed having a second child until we felt we had done our best to rid my body of this dangerous bacteria. I conceived our second child in March 2002 and entered the pregnancy feeling confident that we would have a healthy child. The 15-week ultrasound showed a healthy baby with a strong heart and all its organs were functioning normally. At 16 weeks, the remaining test results were all wonderful. 11 At 18 weeks, I sensed something was wrong. My instinct was correct. Our baby boy was dead.

While waiting for surgery the next morning, I came out of shock and I began wondering about the Lyme Disease. I had read that Lyme Disease could cause miscarriage, but there was no evidence to prove it. I called my Lyme doctor and a lab skilled in detecting the bacteria so I could determine how to test the fetus and the placenta for the bacteria. I took the information to the hospital. And just before the surgery, I insisted that the OB obtain enough tissue for a separate PCR test for the Lyme bacteria. If I had not requested a PCR test at a specific lab, I would not know today what took our baby's life.

Two weeks later, my OB informed us that the baby boy was chromosomally normal and the local lab did not find any bacterial or viral infections that are tested for in a normal miscarriage. He had no explanation. Only three percent of miscarriages end at weeks into a pregnancy. I needed an answer. I received that answer the next Monday when the OB called me to report that the fetus and the placenta were PCR-positive for the Lyme bacteria. He concluded that the Lyme bacterial infection had caused the fetal demise. He actually thanked me for requesting the PCR test. We grieved all over again.

How had this small bacteria survived seven months of antibiotics and continued to destroy our lives? When I purchased a garden stone in memory of our baby boy, I promised myself that I would do everything in my power to help others avoid this tragedy. I am here today as part of that promise. The story continues. After the 6 18-week miscarriage, I began another regimen of antibiotics. I was on three different oral antibiotics for six months before conceiving our 9 third child. I stayed on Sephtin during the pregnancy to protect the fetus. But, unfortunately, it did not survive past nine weeks due to chromosomal problems. I requested a PCR test before the D&C. And the results were devastating. Again the placental tissue was PCR-positive for Lyme bacteria.

What next? I did not want this disease to win. So I began a four-month regimen of IV antibiotics. After the IV was pulled out, I continued with oral antibiotics. And, luckily, I conceived a fourth time in November of 2003. The bad news is I have another miscarriage this month, unfortunately from another chromosomal problem. The good news is the PCR test was negative. This does not mean I am rid of this bacteria. But it is a sign there is hope.

Today I stand before you and I hope that there will be funding for more research into the testing and treatment of tick-borne diseases. I hope that your wife, your daughter or your sister do not have to deal with what we have dealt with during the past three years. I hope that you will help the future generations. It is time to help, not just hope. Thank you very much for your willingness to listen and your time today.