Saturday, July 3, 2010


Cholesterol Is Essential to Life

Every Cell Demands Cholesterol
Aug 31, 2008 R.L. Coffield

Americans have been terrorized into the belief that cholesterol will kill them. Recent studies indicate that a lack of cholesterol is what is destructive to one's health.

Cholesterol Does not Cause Heart Disease

According to Dr. Diana Schwarzbein, a leading endocrinologist and author of The Schwarzbein Principle, “Eating cholesterol and fat do not cause heart disease and accelerated death. In fact, you must eat them to avoid heart disease.” Schwarzbein is a strong advocate that “…high total cholesterol numbers are not the cause of heart attacks. A high-insulin lifestyle is the cause of heart attacks.”

This sentiment is also expressed by a growing number of scientists and nutrition experts, including Gary Taubes in Good Calories, Bad Calories, and Sally Fallon in Nourishing Traditions. Since the majority of heart-attack victims have normal to low cholesterol numbers, it appears now that many early studies linking cholesterol to heart disease were greatly flawed, or greatly misinterpreted.

Lack of Cholesterol Causes Cancer and accelerated Aging

For a long time, Schwarzbein was one of the lone voices in the cholesterol brouhaha who advocated that a lack of cholesterol was dietary disaster. This is a fundamental fact since the lack of cholesterol causes cell membrane structures to alter, thus disrupting cell growth. Cancer can arise because of ensuing abnormal cell division. Thus, every cell in the human body requires cholesterol and fat to help safeguard one’s health

According to Taubes, the link between low cholesterol and cancer was appearing as early as 1980. Indeed, according to the Framingham Study, “…men whose total cholesterol levels were below 190mg/dl were more than three times as likely to get colon cancer as those men with cholesterol greater than 220; they were almost twice as likely to contract any kind of cancer than those with cholesterol over 280 mg/dl.”

Cholesterol is essential for brain function, helps form cell membranes both on the inside and outside, contributes to a healthy immune system and makes hormones. When these systems are depleted or starved for cholesterol, there is an increase in the potential for diseases of all types, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, depression, agitation, hormonal imbalance, poor thyroid function and a host of other debilitating conditions.

Cholesterol and Fat Are not the Enemy

According to Schwarzbein, “Fat and cholesterol are so important to life that your body has backup systems for their production.” In fact, the body can make cholesterol from carbohydrates.

Fallon states that “High serum cholesterol levels often indicate that the body needs cholesterol to protect itself from high levels of altered, free radical-containing fats.” Consumption of hydrogenated and vegetable oils and a diet too high in sugar and white flour are the main dietary mistakes made. Fallon goes on to say that “…cholesterol is needed in a poorly nourished body to protect the individual from a tendency to heart disease and cancer.”

An increasing mound of evidence strongly indicates that it is the excessive consumption of carbohydrates that is the leading cause of debilitating disease, heart attack and metabolic aging.

Consumer Confusion

Never before have so many diverse theories emerged regarding the dietary causes of modern diseases. Consumers have been busily chasing one theory after another, looking for the panacea to perfect health. In the long run, the message may be very simple: eat a well rounded diet avoiding excess consumption of any one food group, especially shunning the emphasis on low-fat, high-carb eating. Cholesterol and natural oils and fats are not the culprits they have been made out to be.

Read more at Suite101: Cholesterol Is Essential to Life: Every Cell Demands Cholesterol

TRICK AND TREAT BY BARRY GROVES. Read how we are being served up harmful dietary guidelines by Big Agriculture and the Pharamceutical Industry for the purpose of profit...not health. Learn what we should be eating and why. Highly recommended


  1. Again the pharmaceutical industry convinced most providers that cholesterol is a bad thing and their drugs are essential to life. Then someone keeps lowering the "acceptable" numbers in treatment guidelines, now they want it under 170, that is ridiculous, I read somewhere, wish I could find it, that it is dangerous for women to be under a 200 total. They also ignore the HDL/LDL ratio, I have an 85 HDL but because my total was 201 I was flagged as needing treatment. Then labeled non compliant because I am happy with where my numbers are. More people need to see the light

  2. I am looking a bit closer now at the brain/cholesterol connection. This may sound conspiratorial but I think that cholesterol lowering drugs and maybe even a low cholesterol diet (which usually includes vegetarianism and veganism) actually being promoted by those in industry and government...for the purpose of making money,control and dumbing down the population (more researchers are finding a connection between Alzheimer's and low cholesterol in the brain. Evidently we lose some as we grow older so the recommendation should be to eat more fats from animals,butter, cream, eggs,shellfish and tropical oils such as palm and coconut.

    These are the very fats being demonized.We are also hearing dire certain predictions from government agencies ...that Alzheimer's will continue to explode. Their excuse is because the population of older people is growing. However,dementia is not an inevitability, nor is it normal in older people.

    Dr. Weston Price found that back in the 30s when he traveled around the world comparing diets and healthy and sick populations....that those who ate more of a vegetarian diet were the peoples who were always conquered. I want to do more research in this area.

    Some people who read what I am saying may think that it is farfetched or would say..."why would anyone want control of the people"? It's like they have never read history. My take on why some people want control and others want to that those who want power are the ones whose mothers perhaps ate badly.Weston Price observed that those indigenous societies that ate their native UNPROCESSED diets...had no need for doctors or jails because there was rarely any sickness or crime.

    It's kind of ironic because it just may be those "elite" who feel they are superior and therefore want power and control over what they feel are the lowly dumb sheeple.....that THEY are the deficient ones in the qualities that really count. Maybe power and control is how they try to make up for their inadequacies...or to hide them? Just a thought. I think I got a bit off track :>)

  3. No not off track at all. There is something very fishy going on, we don't value people who have common sense and a good work ethic, we've dumbed down the schools, my kids school didn't have valedectorians because it would " make others feel bad". The participation only trophy, I could go on and on too. My kids were smart and they suffered in high school because of that. They are independent and productive now but all the new rules are going to take away from them least favorite statement EVER....."level the playing field".

    I do think those in power have some screws loose and they surround themselves with others just like them. Unscrupulous companies and industries dangle money in front of them to have them do their bidding. Nothing is for the people anymore. Now I'm off track!

  4. Thankyou so much Renee for your validation. I think more people now...are succumbing to temptation and bribes because they are afraid. Sometimes we think of people who do horrible evil...but I think it has to do with taking away our foundation of faith in the Creator or provider,not eating the food the way nature formed it, and as a result of these two things , creating sick and fearful minds and bodies. So...while I look in frustration at those who appear to be causing many of the problems...I try not to attach the error or evil to them. I feel it is mesmerism & fear controlling them.

    I am beginning to think that vegetarianism...and or veganism, flouride in the water supply, the emphasis on cholesterol lowering diets and drugs, and maybe even the genetic engineering of germs to be fueled by cholesterol and therefore create memory, word finding problems, loss of organizational ability...etc....are for the purpose of power and control
