Saturday, June 5, 2010


I interact with a doctor's email list which discusses the connections between viruses, bacteria, mold and psychiatric issues. There is a definite connection in many cases. The story below illustrates what can happen to children and adults under our current medical paradigm. Usually the cause of a problem is not sought. The system is designed to discourage finding a cause.Instead new labels for disease conditons are continually being created ...along with new symptomatic treatments which only cover up the underlying causes. This results in immense suffering and wasted lives....but creates ongoing profit for the medical and psychiatric industries.

The story below illustrates the problems of inaccurate testing and the fact that many of the pathogens below are not even tested for by doctors unfamiliar with them. One might ask...why are doctors not testing for mycoplasma fermentens, babesiosis, bartonella, Lyme disease....etc? Why aren't they taught the many many different ways that Lyme and some of these other pathogens can present? There is a very indentifiable symptom complex that is not being taught to doctors. One reason appears to be that... the doctors are basically educated by the drug companies, who want to sell their symptomatic drugs. If the causes for disease are tested for and identified...then they can be treated and eliminated(usually). Healing and Health are not profitable for the drug companies.

For more info on Neuropsychiatric Lyme disease see this link.... for symptoms and other important info  

The story below offers much hope for those struggling with mental illness.

Sharing A Mother’s Journey!

My now 15 year old adopted son Nicholas had no physical symptoms of Lyme at all and had been tested for Lyme with a negative test result before one very brave doctor (thank you Dr Levin :-))

thought he might have Lyme and ordered new tests. This happened after he had been in many, many different psychiatric hospitals here in the tri state area, and after the treating doctor at Four Winds Hospital had told me that he was the "worst case of pediatric bipolar" they had seen, and my son had progressed to the point that the director of the Foundation School, a highly specialized day school for severely autistic children told me they could no longer handle him at their school and that he would need to be institutionalized. And because he suffered very badly from violent Lyme rages I knew that meant a life time of physical and chemical restraints.

The first time we were in Dr Jones' office he was very unsure if Nick really had Lyme because of the absence of physical symptoms.

When Nick was in Hall Brooke Hospital, Brian Fallone's wife examined Nick and did not think he had Lyme either.

But Nick did have Lyme and Babesiosis and Mycoplasma fermentas, and with many heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful doctors and health practitioners that have played a part in his recovery, my son is a very happy 15 year old living a normal life at home going to the local public school (who could have ever imagined that!!!) and has not had a Lyme rage in about 10 months (and he would have them every day, usually several times a day)

I wonder every day just how unusual Nick's case really is and I am ever so greatful for every single day that he is able to just be a "normal" kid. I think he is unusual because he got diagnosed and treated, but how many of the children in those psychiatric wards suffers from Lyme?

Thank you everyone

Donna Benner
Artist and Art teacher
Mother to Nicholas,
a wonderful 15 year old boy, diagnosed with PDD, Attachment disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, ADHD, Learning Disabled, and a bunch of other labels, too many to remember:-)

Nicholas’ story of hope is now available on CD at the office of Warren M. Levin, MD
Contact the office for your copy:  
407 Church Street, NE Suite E
Vienna, VA 22180
703-255-0313 (0) 703-255-0316 (fax)

If You want to check out my book store collection ( 2 pages) of helpful books on Lyme disease, including a book about Lyme and autism, you can visit this link  

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